Attorneys - John W. Getsinger
John W. Getsinger
Medical device manufacturing, marketing, sales, advertising and promotion
Litigation Management and Avoidance, Alternative Dispute Resolution, including Mediation
Conducting Internal Company Legal/Compliance Investigations
Privacy, HIPAA and Data Security issues
Healthcare Fraud, False Claims, Anti-Kickback and Product Recall Issues
Compliance with Healthcare Business Conduct Standards
General Corporate Transactional Guidance
John Getsinger’s multi-faceted legal expertise stems from over 30 years experience in both private practice as a commercial trial lawyer and in-house at the world’s leading medical device manufacturer, Medtronic. Inc.
From 2009 to 2016, John was Principal Legal Counsel for Medtronic’s Neuromodulation Division on such matters as on-label promotion, healthcare fraud, false claims, anti-kickback, product recalls, data security, internal compliance, HIPAA and state and federal privacy laws generally, inquiries by regulators, and negotiating and drafting contracts/licenses with business vendors and HIPAA Business Associates. John also provided guidance regarding the company’s communications with patients and the expansion of its healthcare reimbursement prior authorization service to physicians. John became the “go-to” lawyer on HIPAA and privacy laws generally, and data security. He gave guidance to the Sales/Marketing functions to ensure that the company’s written and oral promotional activities were proper.
From 2003-2009, John served as Principal Litigation Counsel in Medtronic’s Corporate Litigation Division. He managed product liability and general commercial litigation. John also designed and administered an “early case resolution” strategy, revolving around the Federal Preemption Doctrine, to slash the company’s litigation expenses. John attended court-ordered and voluntary mediations throughout the United States. Even today, John is among a team of lawyers to which Hennepin County District Court refers cases to serve as court-appointed mediators.
Prior to joining Medtronic, John was a partner at the Minneapolis-based law firm, Leonard, Street and Deinard (now Stinson Leonard Street). For 19 years, John’s practice focused on product liability and design/construction litigation, but also included personal injury, employment, and bankruptcy litigation and marriage dissolutions. As lead counsel, while also managing local counsel, he represented farm implement manufacturers, medical device manufacturers, architects, and home and building construction contractors in courts throughout the United States.
J.D., University of Minnesota Law School (Cum Laude
M.Ed., University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
B.A., Harvard University (Magna Cum Laude)
U.S. Supreme Court Minnesota
U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
Minnesota State Bar Association
Hennepin County Bar Association
Pro Bono Volunteer for several non-profit legal service providers